POST 239 Endometriosis, PCOS, Uterine Fibroids, Estrogen Dominance, Men’s Prostate Disease
Endometriosis, PCOS, Uterine Fibroids, Estrogen Dominance, Men’s Prostate Disease.
We have included Men’s Prostate in this information because so many people do not realize how many men have breast cancer. Maybe men have “Manopause”, most believe that men are largely ignored until they develop Low T, enlarged prostate, or prostate cancer. High PSA and cancer doesn’t happen overnight and all stem for hormonal imbalances. Just as women develop these hormonal illnesses, so do men. So for this reason we are including men in this discussion.
As a woman, some issues may be a problem you were born with, such as PCOS. Although you have been born with PCOS, it doesn’t reveal itself until puberty. The HPV virus is contracted however, once you have it, you must consider diet and supplements going forward because we do not cure viruses, we cause them to go into dormancy in the best of cases. When dormant, damage is stopped for the most part, but when activated, damage ensues. This is why it is important and best to have a diagnosis regarding whether endometriosis is based on estrogen dominance or as a result of the HPV virus. It can be both.
Functional mushrooms are important to correcting endometriosis; in regards to estrogen– mushrooms help the body to reduce the level of estrogen. Mushroom compounds prevent estrogen from stimulating breast tissue through aromatase inhibitors. This protective effect mushrooms have, can play an important role in breast cancer prevention. The top 5 mushrooms in the prevention of breast cancer, reduction of endometriosis, and in the prevention of active HPV virus outbreak are;
5 Primary Functional Mushrooms
What do mushrooms do for hormonal health? It is well known that estrogen dominance can lead to breast cancer and fibroids. Mushrooms help reduce your body’s level of estrogen and prevent it from stimulating breast tissue through aromatase inhibitors. Mushrooms offer a protective effect against developing breast and other hormonal cancers. Even though eating only one cooked white button mushroom daily is required, it is further recommended that both men and women eat 4 oz. of this mushroom every day, either as a side dish or added into main courses. For men this reduces prostate cancer.
- Turkey Tail; contains polysaccharide-k which is a high beta-glucan source. Beta glucan increases NK (natural killer cells) and causes the immune system to both fight and prevent cancer
- Cordyceps– balances hormones
- Reishi (also known as ganoderma) has been found to suppress the proliferation of endometrial cancer cells and suppression of the Akt signaling pathway in cancer development.
- Chaga– beneficial to the thyroid gland, used to restore balance to the related hormones, reduce thyroid antibodies, activate immune pathways, and increase the NK cells (natural killer)
- Maitake– regulates cycles and ovulation, improves fertility, balances blood sugar, benefits PCOS and symptoms.
Note; Ashwagandha Root (complements the mushrooms effectiveness for this issue
Studies have shown you can reduce breast cancer occurrence by as much as 89% doing 3 things;
Eat white button mushrooms daily, 4 oz. cooked. This type of mushroom also lowers estrogen, along with oyster mushrooms.
- Eat at least one COOKED mushroom per day, one serving is preferred– white button is also the number one mushroom for this purpose.
- Drink 1 cup of green tea every day. You can drink up to 5 in most cases
- Eat one serving of green vegetables; eat a variety including leafy greens and choose green cruciferous vegetables as a staple. You can add cut-up-frozen cruciferous vegetables to a smoothie and if consumed right away after preparing, you will not even taste them! This even works for Brussels sprouts.
In addition to the above 3 things, the following is also very effective in fighting cancer, boosting the immune system, and balancing hormones;
- Cruciferous vegetables are not a favorite of everyone, but try to eat at least one serving of cooked cruciferous vegetables every day
- For men; eat 4 oz. of white button mushrooms every day as a side dish or in the recipe prepared. These can be eaten raw or cooked.
- If adding mushroom powders or herbs to vegetable broth as a method of supplementing, add 1 teaspoon of RED miso paste one time daily. This is a well known breast cancer preventative
- Besides the above mentioned, all berries are beneficial. These are especially high in antioxidants and flavonoids which fight cancer. Do not however combine with bananas. Bananas have an acid in them that can reduce the flavonoid effectiveness by as whooping 84%. Bananas are excellent for health, just better combined with seeds, nuts, and seed milks or yogurt in a smoothie compared to berries.
- Contrary to past information, it has now been shown in studies that drinking soy milk which is rich in phytoestrogens is beneficial to cases of cancer, prostate enlargement, menopause, and hormonal imbalances. It wasn’t that long ago that we were all warned to stay away from soy of any kind or men would develop “man boobs” and women would have a higher breast cancer risk. Well, both of these were false. It is hard to really tell where this bad information took hold, but rest assured, drinking 8-12 oz. of soy milk every day is beneficial for those with these issues. Some oncologists are now recommended that women with breast cancer, estrogen driven cancers, drink up to 3 (8 oz) glasses of organic soy milk every day. PCOS has been greatly improved in some women and men have been able to lower PSA levels without losing their energy and vitality on a lower animal protein diet.
Herbal Formula
Herbal Formula– this can be taken up to 3 times per day in divided doses (or it can be combined into the Essiac 8 herb remedy). Try to take the doses 6 hours apart or as close to this as possible if you can. Because herbs have a 4-6 hour window of effectiveness, by spreading your doses out, you can improve your outcome. With a 4-6 hour window between doses, you encourage a consistent exposure to the herbal medicine that helps to clear out the inflammation ongoing. The formulation contains the following;
- Chaste tree Helps the body produce progesterone, shrinks endometrial tissue, balances hormones
- Dong Quai Reduces blood estrogen levels, shrinks endometrial tissue
- Ashwagandha Root Mood, hormone balance
- Red Clover Blossoms Balances natural estrogen, blood cleanser, shrinks endometrial tissue
- Moringa Leaf Improves immune system, iron deficiency
- Cleavers Clears lymphatic system, detoxifies
- Calendula Flowers Anti-inflammatory, clears endometrial tissues from the body, balances estrogen hormones which are causing endometriosis, uterine fibroids (works with chaste tree berry), and reduces cause of PCOS, tonic for the uterus
- Ceylon Cinnamon True cinnamon, assists the immune system in fighting against the development of endometrial tissue, antioxidant-rich, anti-bacterial, anti-virus, flow reducing during your period (works with Non-Heme Tea)
- Milk Thistle Liver detoxifier, hormone balancing
- Sage Leaf Hormone balancing, reduces sweating from hormone imbalance such as hot flashes, pain reducing
- Black Cohosh Hormone balancing, reduces sweating from hormone imbalances such as hot flashes, helps to stop endometrial tissue growth, shrinks existing endometrial tissue
- Gotu Kola Antimicrobial, anti-bacterial
- Chamomile Flowers Contains a compound called chrysin which has been shown to suppress the growth of endometrial cells
- Ginger Root Shrinks endometrial tissue, dissolves the network linkage between endometrial tissue complex to help remove it from the uterus
- White Willow Bark– Reduces inflammation, pain, body aches
- Chaga Mushroom Balancing to the thyroid which supports hormonal balance especially when there are problems with the ovaries, menopausal symptoms. The thyroid picks up the slack for the ovaries in menopause or when they are not functioning optimally. The strain on the thyroid is often misdiagnosed as adrenal fatigue so the remedy is applied to the wrong organ, by-stepping the thyroid problem. The thyroid is trying to help balance the hormones when the ovaries are not up to par or winding down in cases of menopause. This stain will diminish when the problems such as estrogen dominance are corrected.
- Turkey Tail Contains polysaccharide-k which is a high beta-glucan source. Beta glucan increases NK (natural killer cells) and causes the immune system to both fight and prevent cancer
- Cordyceps– Hormone balancing, anti-inflammatory, shrinks endometrial tissue
- Reishi Immune system modulator, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer. Reishi contains GTEE extract which suppresses the proliferation of endometrial cancer cells. Beneficial for those with PCOS.
- Maitake Studies have found this mushroom can shrink uterine tumors, uterine fibroids, and breast tumors. Very beneficial for those with PCOS. Balances fertility, improves regular cycles and ovulation.
Non-Heme Tea
Bleeding– also helps with anemia and iron absorption; As needed. Drink up to 5 cups per day on the worst days and reduce to one cup per day between these times. If bleeding reduces, stop drinking the tea as needed. Non-Heme is the form of iron derived from plants rather than Heme which is animal sourced. Our Non-Heme Tea is all plant based and used as a remedy so it can be used when needed or in preparation for heavy periods, but when bleeding is gone, stop the tea. If you need additional plant based iron, you alternate between periods and take Herbal Iron. This is another plant based supplement that can be used daily for improving anemia and raising iron in the blood.
- Green Tea– reduces flow, rich in vitamin K which helps blood coagulate (thicken)
- Moringa Leaf– iron deficiency
- Ceylon Cinnamon– reduces flow
- Shepherd’s Purse– reduces bleeding
- Cinquefoil– reduces bleeding
- Dandelion Leaf (not root)– iron deficiency
- Yellow Dock Root- iron deficiency, helps remove iron from the liver into the blood
- Rose Hips Berry– vitamin C, helps to absorb iron
If you are iron deficient, you can also consider taking Blackstrap Molasses as a daily supplement for a period of time. Blackstrap is naturally a laxative and contains as much as 100 mg of magnesium in one tablespoon. It is a good remedy for anemia but is used for a period of time and then discontinued– this effectiveness is primarily because it contains a broad spectrum of minerals, but as in all natural products, this also includes some heavy metals. It is naturally high in potassium, magnesium, and selenium. Back in history, Blackstrap Molasses dissolved into hot milk was known as a pregnancy “tea” because of its high iron content. If you have had issues with heavy metals or are concerned that heavy metals may be a problem in your health condition, start taking 1 teaspoon of Organic Sulfur 2 x daily for a few months and then retest. For more information on Organic Sulfur, read Post 28. Post 202 has information how to combine Organic Sulfur with other products for better health, skin, and anti-aging. Both Posts are helpful.
Adjusting Essiac Tea Formula
For our purpose for endometriosis, PCOS, uterine fibroids, or hormonal cancer; the above herbal formulation is added to the 8 herb Essiac Tea blend. It is then consumed as directed in the standard preparation, dosing, and frequency as described in Essiac Tea Post
This is a famous anti-cancer tea so we are using this as a preventative base to the remedy herbs for endometriosis, PCOS, and uterine fibroids. It is still taken using 3 cups per day, if the case is severe– take 5 cups per day for 2 weeks to 1 month, then reduce. Using this remedy formula tea in taken in addition to the Non-Heme Tea when bleeding has been excessive and iron deficiency is an issue. You do not need to use the Non-Heme Tea unless bleeding is a problem. It is not included in the Essiac Tea Adjusted Formula because bleeding is not ongoing and is more of a remedy than an adaptogen purpose. Essiac in general as an anti-cancer is applicable to this regiment because of the risk of cancer anyone has that is exhibiting the effects of estrogen dominance. Reducing the effects of estrogen dominance requires a multitude of applications and with Essiac, a minimum of 6 months at 3 cups per day is likely needed, before reducing. Some people with cancer will continue using this ongoing for not less than 1 year at 3 cups per day before reducing to the standard 1-2 daily cups as maintenance. There can be individual adjustments that will be needed for specific issues personal to you. For example, if you have an unusual amount of brain fog from this hormone imbalance or if you are in perimenopause or menopause, you may want to try adding Lion’s Mane Mushroom, Lemon Verbena, Turmeric, Garcinia Cambogia (overweight), or Mucuna (helps produce L-dopa). Any or all of these can be very helpful for a period of time as needed. Also take a blood test for your levels of D3, DHEA, and thyroid function (T3, T4). When you have brain fog from hormonal issues, DHEA can be very beneficial. All of these types of herbs and supplements has the potential to improve the situation, but blood tests are needed to provide the facts of your levels.
Organic Sulfur
Another helpful product in relationship to breaking down the endometrial tissue, and building healthy tissue is Organic Sulfur. To include this, please refer to Post 28. Some additional information is also included in Post 202. Organic Sulfur is MSM, but MSM is NOT Organic Sulfur. Organic Sulfur is 99.9% pure food grade sulfur however MSM is only 1/3 sulfur to 2/3 additives which may include flow agents, anti-caking agents, preservatives, etc. Organic Sulfur is 3 x more potent than regular MSM and is in turn more effective and pure. Directions for incorporating Organic Sulfur are in Post 28.
This is a powerful anti-inflammatory and corrective. The CBDA we carry is under a pending-patent and has been proven to be present and effective. To include this, take 1 tablet per day. With or without food is fine, this supplement is not dependent on either way. Taking this before bed may help reduce inflammation so you will rest better as well.
Hypothalamus Glandular Tissue Concentrate
A hormone called GnRH is located in the part of the brain called the hypothalamus. GnRH is; a gonadotropin-releasing hormone that causes the pituitary gland to produce and secrete LH (luteinizing hormones) and FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone). This hormone reduces the effects of endometriosis, benefits those with PCOS, PMS, and Uterine Fibroids. Melatonin promotes the release of GnRH. Taking melatonin at bedtime may be helpful for sleep and pain when taken nightly. Begin by taking 3mg per night and over the course of a couple of weeks, work up to 10mg. capsules. Take melatonin on an empty stomach. Eggs and fish are two primary food sources for melatonin. The four fish that contain the most melatonin are cod, haddock, tuna, and salmon.
Green Tea
This form of tea leaf has been found to decrease endometriosis lesion size in the uterus in both animal and human studies. The value attributed to this effect is what are called ECGC, the active compound in Green Tea Leaf. Adding a squeeze of fresh lemon to a cup of green tea increases the ECGC’s by as much as 34%! Decaffeinated green tea does not contain the higher levels of ECGC’s that caffeinated has so if drinking a decaf green tea in the evenings, adding a squeeze of lemon can boost the ECGC level it does have. Drink 1-5 cups per day of 2 grams per dose tea.
What Aggravates Endometriosis, PCOS, and Estrogen Dominant Conditions
- High fatty foods (bad fats)
- Red Meat
- Dairy, especially high fat dairy, milk, cheese
- Foods that are high in PCBs and dioxins which are estrogenic pesticides often found in dairy foods
- Commercial eggs; 2 pastured cage free organic eggs every week are recommended, but NOT commercial grade– I think of them as F Grade
- Poultry
Homeopathic Remedies
- Xanthoxylum– best for endometriosis when periods are heavy and/or painful
- Cimicifuga– pain during periods
Endometriosis Pain Reducers
- Kava and/or Valerian Root (this herb is a natural muscle relaxer)
- Homeopathic remedies listed above
- Kratom – primarily Red strains which also relax muscles
- Ashwagandha Root
- Garlic– use in cooking and take garlic powder capsules
- White willow bark
- Feverfew
- Melatonin
- Jamaican dogwood
Castor Oil Packs
See POST No. 1 Castor Oil Packs-– use these to decongest the whole abdomen area and break down cysts. To break down cysts, use a pack over the area for 2 hours, 5 days on, 2 days off. Women- Do not use Castor Oil Packs during your period or it can increase bleeding.
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