Skinny Detox Tea 1 oz.



Skinny Tea

 See all detailed information and directions for Skinny Detox, Skinny Tea, and Rebound (lymph detox) under Post 154.  Most people use 1-2 oz. per week depending upon need

SEE POST 154 under the Wellness Tab

Zero Skinny Detox Tea is designed to help the dieter overcome plateau and modulate metabolism. This broad spectrum formulation contains 5 types of tea leaf, and 2 tisanes. Each ingredient has been specifically selected for its benefits and correctives for metabolism. Follow the directions for use which are explained in detail, under the Wellness tab.  Post 154 contains information for each of these teas along with the contents. When using this tea as directed, most people will experience 6-8 pounds of weight loss within an average of 10-14 days. Everyone is different, so results may vary from person to person. Some will notice a change in their body shape ahead of a loss of pounds. Take your measurements and record them, before beginning this program. It is not unusual for a person to drop a pants size or to be able to wear an article of clothing they previously could not fit into, ahead of a loss in weight. Because each of the ingredients are specific in purpose, weight around the waistline, can for example, begin to shift as the body prepares to shed weight.

Product Description


Skinny Detox Tea

 See all detailed information and directions for Skinny Detox, Skinny Tea, and Rebound (lymph detox) under Post 154

SEE POST 154 under the Wellness Tab


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