RA-Rx 6 oz. 170 grams powder


RA-Rx  6 oz. 170 grams–  Certified Organic Herbal Prescription–  Th-2 stimulating specialty autoimmune formula designed to calm the Th-1 side of the immune system which has been found to be overactive in those with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Use the product for 1 month and then alternate to the RA-Rx Adaptogen for whatever number of days you tolerate. RA-Rx Adaptogen is designed to help balance the immune system. The goal is to reach a point of improvement that you are able to use the RA-Rx for 30 days, followed by 30 days of the RA-Rx Adaptogen.

Suggested Use–  Take 5 grams daily to start in two divided doses, by dissolving 1 teaspoon or 2.5 grams, in any cold or hot liquid; water, coffee, tea, herbal tea, vegetable juice–  AM and PM on an empty stomach.

How to Supplement the RA-Rx Formula

Take this formula for a full 30 consecutive days before you alternate to the RA-Rx Adaptogen. Take 1 teaspoon in any liquid on an empty stomach anytime during the day, preferably in the AM, either 30 minutes before eating or 2 hours after a meal, so long as the stomach is “empty”.  This can be taken both AM and PM daily. After 30 days rotate to the RA-Rx Adaptogen. See this product for instructions.  Continue with this rotation, always using the RA-Rx for 30 days before rotating to the RA-Rx Adaptogen each time, working to increase the RA-Rx Adaptogen days of use to reach a goal of 30 consecutive days. Ultimately, 30 days of each formula back-to-back is the goal. This will take months to accomplish in most people but with continuing use, the Adaptogen will be more and more tolerable and the ability to increase the number of days will result until 30 days consecutively becomes possible.

Companion Products

It is important to also take other products which will support the repair and preservation of the joints and tissue. These primary products include two very important supplements;

  • Organic Sulfur- See Post 28 and 200.  Take 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon AM and PM daily on an empty stomach. Post 200 discusses a convenient way to take this product. It is okay to take the RA-Rx formulas at the same time as the Collagen in this process. You will need approximately 1 pound per month to supply 1 tablespoon daily use.
  • Collagen Rx- I,II,III-  See Post 200. Follow the Sulfur with this product. Take a minimum of 10 grams per day.  Taking more is not a problem, supplementing 10 grams AM and PM is not a problem.  The more serious the problem, the Collagen Rx is taken.  There are those with severe issues that take as much as 50 grams per day.  It is more an issue of affordability than dosage, but 10 grams should be minimum unless you are very young (under 25 years of age) and RA is an initial diagnosis and no joint damage has occurred.  The goal is to keep the damage, whatever the level, from worsening.  After taking the Sulfur and Collagen Rx, then wait 30 minutes to an hour to eat food. The RA-Rx formulas are compatible or any other herbal remedy you are taking. If convenient and tolerable, take any herb now that requires an empty stomach to make this as easy of a routine as possible. The easier the process the more successful at consistency you are likely to be. You will need approximately 10.5 grams if taking 10 grams daily for 30 days.
  • Water- be sure to drink a minimum of 2 liters or approximately 2 quarts of fluids each day. The fluid allowance includes water, tea, herb tea, or juice. Drinking enough fluid hydrates tissues and joints as well as cleanses the body as a “detox”. Distilled water taken with enzymes sometime during the day will help to flush toxins and inflammation from the body and is always recommended.
  • Enzymes-  for detox and for meals, enzymes can be very helpful in reducing inflammation. Between meals the enzyme product should be a pancreatic complex without an acid like HCL.  At meals, HCL in the enzyme supplement is fine since this helps to break down protein.  Between meals, an acid would upset the stomach and is negative so be sure to get some advice on what enzyme product to take.  We have Pancreatin which can be used for both meals and inbetween meals as a mini daily “Detox”. See Pancreatin
  • Pancreatin Complex- this complex can be used with meals and between.  When taken for a meal, take 1 tablet about 10 minutes before eating. When taken between meals, take 1-2 tablets anytime 2 hours after eating and drink about 1 quart of water over the next hour. This helps flush out inflammation and cleanses the body. This type of “Detox” will not cause diarrhea or negative side effects often associated with detoxifying the body. It is an excellent way to help reduce the chronic inflammation experienced with RA and other autoimmune problems. This supplement can be found under Tablets/Capsules on this website.
  • RA-Rx Adaptogen Formula- the alternating product used with the RA-Rx Formula.

Custom Proprietary Blend Contains;

  • Certified Organic Lab Tested Reishi Mushroom
  • Certified Organic Lab Tested Cordyceps Mushroom
  • Certified Organic Moringa Leaf
  • Certified Organic Mucuna
  • Certified Organic Horsetail
  • Certified Organic Green Tea
  • Certified Organic Pine Bark
  • Certified Organic Turmeric
  • Certified Organic Ceylon Cinnamon

Product Description

RA-Rx  6 oz. 170 grams–  Certified Organic Herbal Prescription–  Th-2 stimulating specialty autoimmune formula designed to calm the Th-1 side of the immune system which has been found to be overactive in those with Rheumatoid Arthritis.


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