
Puerh Tou Cha (maocha green compressed bowl)


Puerh Tou Cha (poo-air or poo err)  is a green Puerh aged tea, presented as a compressed tea “bowl”, also known as a mini tou cha.  In history, compressed tea was developed for efficient transportation over long distances.  Puerh Tou Cha is considered a tea delicacy.  The green Puerh, which is a maocha green tea, is harvested from the Yunnan Provence in China.  It brews a yellowish infusion with a dry clean persistent aroma.  The longer the green Puerh ages, the more mellow its taste.  Puerh Tou Cha is prescribed by doctors in Kunming to lower cholesterol in the blood. Cantonese communities consume this tea as a remedy to rid the body of toxins and aid digestion. The longer this tea is stored, or aged, the better the quality becomes.  In America, Puerh tea has recently gained notoriety for its slimming benefits, especially when combined with ginger root.  To prepare Puerh Tou Cha, carefully break off pieces of the compressed tea for steeping a single cup. You can break the “bowl” into pieces and place into your teapot to prepare a full pot of tea or gaiwan serving.  Separate into loose leaves as it steeps.

Steeping Temperature: 180 to 195 F degrees
Steep Time:  3-4 minutes
Caffeine:  Medium
Serving Size:  multiple cups/or 1 “bowl” to a pot of tea or gaiwan serving
Ingredients: one Maocha Green Puerh Tou Cha “bowl” – Aged & Compressed
Origin: Yunnan Provence, China

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Product Description

Puerh Tou Cha Maocha (poo-air or poo-err) is a compressed “bowl” made from aged green maocha Puerh.  One “bowl” prepares multiple cups or 1 full pot of tea or gaiwan serving.  Steeps multiple times.


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