
Aged Puerh


Aged Puerh (poo-air)– 1 oz.    a tea delicacy harvested from the Yunnan province of China.  The longer Puerh is aged, the more valuable its quality, like a “fine wine of tea”.  Puerh being a wealth of polyphenols and antioxidants,  is very popular in the Cantonese community, known for its effectiveness as a body detoxifier and digestive aid.  Doctors in Kunming prescribe this tea for its remarkable ability in lowering cholesterol in the blood.  Puerh brews a dark red cup with a strong persistent earthy aroma.  Puerh has recently gained popularity in America as an excellent aid for weight loss, especially when combined with fresh ginger root.

Steeping Temperature: 195 F degrees
Steep Time:  3-5 minutes
Caffeine:  Medium
Serving Size:  1 tsp/8 oz. water
Ingredients: Aged Puerh Black Tea
Origin: Yunnan Province, China


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Product Description

Aged Puerh– 1 oz.   delicacy of exceptional black tea which increases in quality the longer it is aged, like a “fine wine of tea”.


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