Post 196 How to Measure Herbal Tinctures & Chart

No. 196

General Dosage Guidelines for Herbal Tinctures

Because herbs vary in dosages, the amount needed per dose ranges between 20-40 drops average. The general consensus is that the more acute a condition, the more frequent the doses. When dosing multiple times per day, allow about an average of 4 hours between doses. Take each dose with water, tea, or juice and consume between meals without food. Depending upon which herbs you are using, dosages will vary so please refer to a good herbal remedy book or Google recommended amounts. Taking the product correctly ensures best results.

Rough Equivalents

  • 1 average dropperful = 1ml
  • 1 teaspoon = 5ml
  • 1 dropperful = 20 drops
  • 2 dropperfuls = 40 drops
  • 1 oz. bottle = 30 doses of 20 drops or 30 dropperfuls (perfect size for 1 dose per day)
  • 2 oz. bottle = 60 doses of 20 drops or 60 dropperfuls (perfect size for 2 doses per day)

Here is a handy Chart

Dosage Measurements & Equivalents
1 teaspoon = 5 ml
1/2 teaspoon = 2.5 ml
1/4 teaspoon = 1.25 ml
1/5 teaspoon = 1 ml
1/8 teaspoon = .616 ml
100 drops = 1 teaspoon
50 drops = 1/2 teaspoon
25 drops = 1/4 teaspoon
12 drops = 1/8 teaspoon
1 fl oz = approx 30 ml
2 fl oz = approx 59 ml
3 fl oz = approx 89 ml
4 fl oz = approx 118 ml
8 fl oz = approx 237 ml
1 fl oz = 6 teaspoons
2 fl oz = 12 teaspoons
3 fl oz = 18 teaspoons
4 fl oz = 24 teaspoons
5 fl oz = 30 teaspoons
6 fl oz = 36 teaspoons
7 fl oz = 42 teaspoons
8 fl oz = 48 teaspoons
1 ml = 20 drops
2 ml = 40 drops
3 ml = 60 drops
conversions from U.S. to metric
may be approximate
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